Healthy Saturday – Chodzież – 22.08.2015

Ciśnienie krwii lekarz pielęgniarka

Information for residents of the District of Chodziez


Dyrektor of our hospital informs residents of Chodzież and region that as part of the project : Support of the elderly and dependent people by extending the rehabilitation section and purchase of the medical equipment in the District Hospital in Chodzież” financed by EEG Grants 2009-2014 and Norway Grants 2009-2014 we prepared Healthy Saturday.
22 th of august 2015 at the City Center there will be three stands filling with doctors, physiotherapists and nurses.
Our medical stuff will help in many fields, especially elderly and dependent people.
Being with us you can learn about your health: blood pressure, physiotherapy exercises, diabetic blood tests and prevention. prevention of organ traffic,
All the tips, tests and consultation are totally free of charge.
Our project managers will explain rules od Project and Project progress.

You are welcome to come!



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