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Realization of the Project 152/07/13

Realization of the Project 152/07/13 / Realizacja Projektu 152/07/13

Realizacja Projektu 152/07/13 Konkurs 1/MFEOG NMF/PL07/2013:

„Wsparcie osób starszych i niesamodzielnych poprzez rozbudowę pionu rehabilitacji i zakup sprzętu medycznego w Szpitalu Powiatowym w Chodzieży”  dofinansowany z funduszy Mechanizmu Finansowego EOG i Norweskiego Mechanizmu Finansowego

The Beneficiary realized  a Project co-financed from the funds of the EAA and  the Norwegian Financial fund. Within the Project, the following actions were realized: management, information and promotion, reserve, trainings, supply and installation of medical equipment, programs and activities with patients as well as building works. For the proper Project  management,  a managing team  was appointed, which realized the following tasks: monitoring of expenses, control and supervision over the remaining actions, monitoring of  indexes, evaluation,  information and promotion, reserve management, organization and supervision over trainings, planning expenses,  realization  of public procurements as well as supervision and monitoring of the realized investment. Within the information and promotion action, the following tasks were realized:  information and commemorative plaques were placed, a web site was established for the Project, two pieces of press information were prepared, letters with information were sent to interested parties, promotion  leaflets were prepared, stickers promoting the Project were placed on the purchased medical equipment, a promotion  movie on the Project was prepared. Three events  took place: a press conference at the start of the Project, an  information seminar, as well as a ceremony of opening.  The hospital participated  in a feast and a harvest festival. 6 meetings with  seniors from the chodzieski poviat were held. Also promotional materials were prepared: banners, posters, pens and pendrives. Within the reserve, 30 procedures of hip or knee joint endoprosthesis implantation were conducted at elderly or dependent patients. Within trainings, 17 training sessions for 26 persons were held. 87 medical devices were purchased, including 50 beds with mattresses and bedside cabinets as well as computer equipment and licence for telecare system – 2 items in total.Within the programs and activities with patients action, the following tasks were realized: direct therapeutic help at the place of residence for 803 persons, occupational therapies for 1001 persons,  tele-consultations for 417 persons. In general during the realization of the Project 5366 patients took advantage of the improvement of health service and the real number of them was 3942 persons. A prophylactic program was implemented: prophylactic of the diseases of peripheral joints and spine and some instructions for home exercises for the patients after the hip or knee joint endoprosthesis implantation. The Hospital was extended by a modern building intended for the needs of rehabilitation. All the assumed goals were realized in 100% plus all assumed indices were fulfilled. What was considerably exceeded was the total number of patients benefiting from health services, telecare, direct assistance in their place of residence, occupational therapy, amount of purchased medical equipment and medical staff trained. The project sustainability will be ensured through contracts concluded with the National Health Fund (NFZ), maintenance of the treatment continuance thanks to comprehensive scope of services, implementation of prophylaxis program, distribution of educational materials and booklets, continuation of thematic lectures, teleconsultations and telecare, direct assistance at patient’s home, updating of the website, articles in local press and film projection. Additionally, 1% write-off of eligible expenditures will be created aimed at the maintenance of the project sustainability. Supervision for the sustainability maintenance will be exercised by a dedicated team of workers.


Healthy Saturday – Chodzież – 22.08.2015

Ciśnienie krwii lekarz pielęgniarka

Information for residents of the District of Chodziez


Dyrektor of our hospital informs residents of Chodzież and region that as part of the project : Support of the elderly and dependent people by extending the rehabilitation section and purchase of the medical equipment in the District Hospital in Chodzież” financed by EEG Grants 2009-2014 and Norway Grants 2009-2014 we prepared Healthy Saturday.
22 th of august 2015 at the City Center there will be three stands filling with doctors, physiotherapists and nurses.
Our medical stuff will help in many fields, especially elderly and dependent people.
Being with us you can learn about your health: blood pressure, physiotherapy exercises, diabetic blood tests and prevention. prevention of organ traffic,
All the tips, tests and consultation are totally free of charge.
Our project managers will explain rules od Project and Project progress.

You are welcome to come!



Rehabilitation booklet

Booklet  contains exercise at home for patients after hip and knee ENDOPROSTHESIS

As part of the project : Support of the elderly and dependent people by extending the rehabilitation section and purchase of the medical equipment in the District Hospital in Chodzież”  financed by EEG Grants 2009-2014 and Norway Grants 2009-2014 we prepared special booklets contains exercise at home for patients after hip and knee endoprosthesis  This bookles where distributed to Senior Clubs, GP’s and  health Centers in our region.

You can see booklets ( polish version PDF ) by cliking beneath

Ćwiczenia w domu po edoplastyce biodraCwiczenia w domu po edoplastyce kolana

Traning and implementation of prevention program – Szamocin 24.07.2015

As part of the project : Support of the elderly and dependent people by extending the rehabilitation section and purchase of the medical equipment in the District Hospital in Chodzież”  financed by EEG Grants 2009-2014 and Norway Grants 2009-2014 24th of july 2015 in Szamocin occured two events.

First – traning for doctors and physiotherapists our hospital  “Research and physiotherapy functional in knee injuries“.  coached by dr Bartosz Rutowicz.

Second event was implementation of prevention program “Prevention of degenerative diseases of the peripheral joints and spine” for patients  hospitalized in Szamocin coached by mgr Grzegorz Korfanty.

Project progress 2015-01-05

norway Grants - EEG info

Project progress 2015-01-05

1. The tender for works, consisting of the vertical extension of rehabilitation District Hospital in Chodzież . We sign the conctract on 2014-12-31. Site is currently in preparation for the start of construction,

2. The tender for the training of medical and physiotherapists.

3. We contiune patients are using direct help of a therapist in their place of residence and manual-therapy clasess

4. Begin from 2015-01-15 we start teleconsulting and telecare system at http// ( telemedicyne on-line system )

Installation of equipment and training of teleconsultation and telecare system


Project porogress 2014-11-14

„Support of the elderly and dependent people by extending the rehabilitation section and purchase of the medical equipment in the District Hospital in Chodzież” finaced by Norway and EEG Grants.


1.Has already been announced and the tender for manual therapy, occupational and team games for the elderly and dependent patients who are willing Hospital and the environment.

2.The tender for the training of nurses.

3. Announced a tender for the training of doctors and physiotherapists.

4.Announced a tender for works, consisting of the vertical extension of rehabilitation District Hospital in Chodzież

5.The hospital is in the purchase of equipment, licenses and implementation services teleconsultation and telecare system

6.Everyday patients are using direct help of a therapist in their place of residence

Information about project

Projekt norweski i EOG - Loga

Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through funding from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area for the period 2009-2014 and the Norway Grants 2009-2014,

Project’s title:

„ Support of the elderly and dependent people by extending the rehabilitation section and purchase of the medical equipment in the District Hospital in Chodzież ”


Obligatory indices and additional indices in the project:

  • Patients taking advantage of improved health services – 4180
  • Infrastructural projects implemented – 1
  • Training sessions for medical personnel – 17
  • People using telemedicine p.a. – 180
  • People using direct help of a therapist in their place of residence p.a. – 180
  • People using occupational therapy p.a. – 480
  • Medical personnel trained – 25
  • Pieces of diagnostic and therapeutic equipment purchased – 58
  • Modernized, rebuilt or extended institutions active in healthcare – 1
  • Purchase of telemedicine equipment and licences – 2
  • Square meters of extended surface – 812.5

Project area:

Better adaptation of healthcare in order to meet the needs of the fast-growing population of chronically-ill and dependent people as well as elderly persons

Training for medical staff:

  • doctors :manula therapy of  Brian Mullig, Ackermann, Cyriax, the PNF’s courses
  • nurses: geriatric course, long-term care, education in diabetes
  • physiotherapists: manula therapy of  Brian Mullig, Ackermann, Cyriax, PNF tranning and PTF accredited tranning

Total ammount trained : at least 25 persons 

About Grant:

  • the grant does not exceed the amount of: 4.830.313,00 zł
  • estimated eligible cost of the project is:6.037.891,00 zł
  • grant will not exceed 80% of the total eligible costs of the final finished project
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